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Sunday, September 14, 2008
11:02:00 PM

been very busy... here comes the long-waited peak period.. WAH! the work load is horrible.. and i have been eating mooncake ever since 2 weeks ago.. every day there will be RMs bringing in mooncakes to our office... the sight of it make mi wanna puke.. and this year, i didnt get to try my GOODWOOD PARK.. next yr, i will make sure im early!
anyway..its a sunday and i dun wanna tok abt work.. went out as usual today.. bought my new phone..SAMSUNG OMNIA.. consider quite long before getting this phone.. coz i think its quite expensive...
looking forward for my shenzhen trip this oct.. counting down n looking at my calendar every day at work.. after today..left with 29 days.. ok..its reaching soon..hang ON!
back to blog soon.. ciaoz...